Queries are the way to read data from a node. Now that you know how
schemas shape a program’s graph,
let’s talk about how queries work.
To illustrate this section, we’ll assume that you have membrane/github
running on your workspace. We’ll also assume that you have created a blank
program with the following node as a connection, and
named the connection user:
You can click on the type above to explore the entire schema of
Queries the graph starting at node referenced by this g-ref.
@param ― query The query to perform. Must be valid GraphQL query
@returns ― The result of the query. An object with the same shape as the query
This example queries the status and body of the membrane.io website:
const { status, body } = await nodes.http.get({ url: "https://example.com" }).$query("{ status body }")
repos {
page {
items { name, description }
Note that you can only query
scalar nodes. When querying objects
nodes, you must specify which fields to include by using $query and passing a
GraphQL query. Here’s an example that won’t work:
import {
const nodes: {
readonly user: github.User;
readonly clock:Clock;
readonly process:Process;
Contains the graph references (grefs) that this program has been given access to.
nodes } from"membrane"
// This won't work. Which fields do we want from the user node?
const user: github.handles.User
user = await
const nodes: {
readonly user: github.User;
readonly clock:Clock;
readonly process:Process;
Contains the graph references (grefs) that this program has been given access to.
user: github.handles.User
The above expression doesn’t work because to query an object node you must
specify which fields you want to get from it using $query to provide a GraphQL
Finally, for convenience, you can omit the outer { and } when using
$query. So instead of "{ name bio }" you can just write "name bio".
Querying form the CLI
You can make queries from the command line by using
mctl query. For example:
$ mctl query 'github:users.one(name:"membrane-io")''{ name bio }'
Resolving queries
Query execution
This section explains how Membrane queries work by calling the functions
exported from a program. You generally don’t need to think about this, but it’s
helpful to understand which functions are called when.
When a query is received for a node, Membrane first combines the gref and the
query (if any) into a larger GraphQL query.
If we’re querying { name bio } on the above gref, the actual query that will
be executed looks something like this:
users {
one(name: "membrane-io") {
# The lines above are derived from the gref
# The lines below come verbatim from the original query
Then, to resolve the values, Membrane will invoke these functions in order,
which are all exported from
The result of each resolver is passed as the obj argument to all child
Executing List fields
Resolvers of type List<T> must return an array of values. Membrane will then
invoke the resolvers for each item in the array.
For example. If we wanted to get the name and description of all repos, we
would typically use the following query:
repos {
# The first page of repos
page {
items {
# A gref to the next page
Membrane would invoke the resolvers in the following order:
For each item returned by RepositoryPage.items
Gref resolvers
Nodes in the graph are identified by their gref. Why? Because APIs typically use
integers IDs, names or UUIDs to identify resources. However, a bare ID is not
enough to interact with its corresponding resource. When using an API directly
you’d also need to know which endpoints to hit and how to pass the ID.
By using grefs to identity graph nodes, we are able to “encode” all the
information needed to interact with something.
All object types have an implicit field aptly named gref which can be
queried to get a reference to the node. The gref field, when queried, answers
the question “what is the gref that points to this node?”.
For example, we could query user.gref and would get back
github:users.one(name:'membrane-io'). That’s not very useful because we
already knew that one. However, when querying a list of nodes, including gref
in the query can be useful to know the identify of each returned item. We can
then use the returned grefs to interact with each item individually.
Membrane’s IDE uses grefs to identify each node. This is what enables you to
click on a list item and interact with the corresponding node in a generic way
(independent of how each API identifies its resources).
In most cases, you don’t need to write a resolver for this field, but it’s
important for when you’re querying a list of nodes and you want to keep track of
the identity of each item.