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membrane module

Programs can access most of Membrane’s functionality by importing the "membrane" module. It provides exports that can be used to store program state, communicate with other programs and more.

In your IDE, you can cmd+click "membrane" in an import statement to open the membrane.d.ts module for that program. You’ll see the types documented on this page, plus additional types specific to that program’s schema.



Import state from "membrane" to persist program data. Read more about Durable state.

// membrane.d.ts
export const state: State


Import nodes from "membrane" to access connections of a program. Read more about Connections.

// membrane.d.ts
export const nodes = {
  /* connections you add to a program will go here */


Import root from "membrane" to access a reference to the program itself.

// membrane.d.ts
export const root: Root



Actions exported from Membrane programs can be invoked manually in the IDE Navigator or programmatically via methods defined in the "membrane" module.

// membrane.d.ts
interface Action<V> {
  $invoke(): Promise<V>;
  $invokeAt(time: number | Date): void;
  $invokeIn(seconds: number): void;
  $cron(spec: string): void;


Invoke an action immediately by chaining .$invoke() to it.

$invoke(): Promise<V>;


Invoke an action at a specific time by chaining .$invokeAt() to it. time can be either a UNIX timestamp or a Date object.

$invokeAt(time: number | Date): void;


Schedule a timer to invoke the action after a specified delay by chaining .$invokeIn() to it.

$invokeIn(seconds: number): void;


Schedule a cron-like timer to invoke an action at configured times by chaining .$cron() to it. spec is a cron-like expression with two main differences from standard cron expressions.

  1. There is an additional slot for seconds, passed as the first value
  2. The day of the week slot accepts 0-7 where 0 and 7 both represent Sunday

Valid values for each field are:

  • second: 0-59
  • minute: 0-59
  • hour: 0-23
  • day of month: 1-31
  • month: 1-12 (or names: Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec)
  • day of week: 0-7 (both 0 or 7 represent Sunday, or names: Sun, Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat)
$cron(spec: string): void;


Fields exported from Membrane programs can be queried using GraphQL-like syntax.

// membrane.d.ts

interface Field<V> extends FieldBase {
  $query(query: string): Promise<V>;

interface ListField<V> extends FieldBase {
  $query: (q: string) => Promise<V[]>;

interface FieldBase {
  $args(): Record<string, any> | undefined;
  $argsAt(pattern: Field<unknown>): Record<string, any> | undefined;
  $pop(): Field<any>;

interface Scalar<V> {
  $get: () => Promise<V>;


Chain .$query() onto a graph node to get fields of that node. query must be valid GraphQL query.

$query(query: string): Promise<V>;


// Query the status and body of the website
const { status, body } = await nodes.http
  .get({ url: "" })
  .$query("{ status body }");

// Query the name and location of a github user
const { name, location } = await nodes.github.users
  .one({ name: "swyxio" })
  .$query("{ name location }");


Chain .$args() to get the arguments of the last path element of a graph node reference (aka g-ref). Only the last element of the g-ref path is considered. Consider using $argsAt if you need arguments from the middle of the path.

$args(): Record<string, any> | undefined;


const gref = root.a({ x: 1 }).b({ y: 2 });
const two = gref.$args().y;
console.assert(two === 2);


Chain .$argsAt() to get the arguments at the provided pattern g-ref. Useful to extract arguments from a g-ref. The provided pattern (also a g-ref) determines from which part to get the parameters from.

This similar to using a RegExp on a URL to extract parts of it.

$argsAt(pattern: Field<unknown>): Record<string, any> | undefined;


const gref = root.a({ x: 1 }).b({ y: 2 });
const { x } = gref.$argsAt(root.a);
const { y } = gref.$argsAt(root.a.b);


Chain .$pop() to get a g-ref with the last part of the path removed. This does nothing if the path is empty.

$pop(): Field<any>;
const gref = root.a.b;
const parent = gref.$pop();
console.assert(parent === root.a);


Chain .$get() to a scalar field to retrieve its value. This is equivalent to calling .$query() without arguments.

$get: () => Promise<V>;


Membrane programs can emit and subscribe to Events.

// membrane.d.ts
interface NodeEvent<T> {
  $subscribe: (handler: Action<any>) => Promise<Subscription>;
  $emit(event: Partial<T>): void;

type Subscription = number;

declare var unsubscribe: (subscription: Subscription) => Promise<any>;


Call .$subscribe() to subscribe to an event.

$subscribe: (handler: Action<any>) => Promise<Subscription>;


Call .$emit() to emit an event.

$emit(event: Partial<T>): void;


Call .$unsubscribe() to unsubscribe from a previously subscribed event. The subscription param is a number representing the subscription and the result of a previous call to $subscribe.

declare var unsubscribe: (subscription: Subscription) => Promise<any>;


Programs in Membrane can pause execution with sleeps. Call sleep() to return a Promise, which resolves after a number of seconds.

declare var sleep: (seconds: number) => Promise<any>;